Aged Care

Who are we?

Laynhapuy Homelands Aged Care provides services to older people in the homelands through home care packages tailored to their needs in a culturally appropriate way. Home care packages are funded by the Commonwealth Government.

Where we work

We operate throughout all our Laynhapuy homelands, whereever our older people are located. Laynhapuy Homelands Aged Care has a full time co-ordinator with casual assistance from a Yolngu employee. It is based in the Yirrkala office, where older people are able to pop in for a cuppa, a yarn, and to discuss anything we can help them with.

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What we do


The services that we provide are made in agreement with the wishes of the home care client so they are able to direct the care. We ensure that both clients and their families/carers make informed decisions about their care plans in a flexible, realistic and practical way to promote quality care and meet their needs.

Services that Laynhapuy Homelands Aged Care can provide:

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Schedule of Home Care Package Fees


Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation is a Not-For Profit organisation providing a range of services to remote indigenous homelands. Laynhapuy Homelands is funded by the Department of Health and Ageing to provide Home Care Packages to indigenous Australians to support and enable them to live on their homelands.

Management Costs
Care Management Per Month $140.84 $247.80 $539.00 $817.32
Care Management Per Day $5.03 $8.85 $19.25 $29.19
Package Management Per Month $105.56 $185.92 $404.32 $612.92
Package Management Per Day $3.77 $6.64 $14.44 $21.89
Exit Fee $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Types
Service Type How Services are Delivered Standard Hours (8am- 4pm Monday-Friday)
Personal Care Per Hour $98.21
Domestic Care Per Hour $82.55
Social Support Per Hour $98.21
Yard Maintenance Per Hour $79.64
Clinical Services: Nursing, GP Per Hour $0

Laynha Youth Program

The Laynha Youth Program aims to support young Yolŋu in their homelands to develop to their full potential; with a strong sense of self, an understanding of the dominant culture, and the capacity to confidently navigate both the Indigenous and the non-Indigenous worlds.


Who are we?

We are a small dedicated team, consisting of Yolŋu Youth Workers, with support from Mentor/s and a Manager.  We are on the ground in homelands most of the time, with local staff member/s in each location to facilitate the delivery of the program for young people aged 12-18 years.

Where we work

The Program takes place in the homelands of Dhalinybuy, Wandawuy, Gangan and Yilpara, where local Yolŋu Trainee Youth Workers are employed to run activities in their communities.

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What we do


The Laynha Youth Program is focused on the three key areas of:

How do we achieve this?

The Laynha Youth Program is guided by the needs and direction of each homeland, determined through consultation and regular engagement with key elders and the community.  These conversations form the basis of youth action plans, which ultimately guide our work with young people in each of the four homelands. 

Stakeholder engagement and collaboration is essential for enabling our programs’ achievements in each of our key focus areas.  Working together with a broad array of service providers across the region enables us to facilitate the delivery of their services to young people in the homelands. 

Our work in homelands includes:

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We can help! Call us on 08 8939 1800 or send an enquiry

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